The full results from the Belfast Euros Dodgeball 2015

The full results from the Belfast Euros Dodgeball 2015

Here are the full results from the Belfast Euros 2015. Separate pages for the group results and the play-offs in the order the matches were played, pages for each group table with all the results and the results for each tournament’s Knock Out stages with EDBF rankings.

 European Championships in Belfast
European Championships in Belfast

Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
European Championships in Belfast
European Championships in Belfast
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
European Championships in Belfast
European Championships in Belfast
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
Belfast Euro Dodgeball Championships 2015
European Dodgeball Federation
European Dodgeball Federation

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 European Championships in Belfast
European Championships in Belfast
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